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Volunteer FAQ
Do I need to ask the caller for his or her address?
No. You should not ask for the caller's location unless you think that the caller is at imminent risk of harming self or others and you need to contact local law enforcement to help the caller. Please refer to our policies and procedures document regarding the protocol in case of imminent suicide risk.
Do I have to tell the caller my name?
Any disclosure about the volunteer's name or state of work is optional. You don’t have to tell your name to the caller if you don’t feel comfortable doing so. If you feel comfortable, you can tell your first, last, or full name.
Do I have to tell the caller my state?
Any disclosure about which state you are located in is optional.
How about telling my city, my practice name, etc.?
We recommend against giving more specific details about details of your practice or location.
What if the call gets cut/drops during the conversation and I am worried about safety concerns/have not had a chance to do the risk assessment?
Please call the admin team (Mona, Smita, Allison if after 10 pm ET) and ask what should be done next.
Can I call the caller from a different platform/number/personal service provider?
In a situation where the admin has given you the number of the caller for a call back, do not call the caller from outside of the Telzio application.
What if the caller is aggressive, abusive, or using the platform for inappropriate goals?
If at any time you feel uncomfortable, please terminate the call and contact the admin.
What if the caller requests to establish a doctor-patient relationship?
Should a caller ask if he or she can set up a physician-patient relationship, you can give them your name and the town you practice in IF you feel comfortable doing that. It will be up to them to look up your contact information on the internet and reach out to you.
Can I promote my own practice through PSL?
No. Please do not volunteer your practice information or contact information during calls.
What do I do if a caller looks me up on the internet and gets in touch with me outside of PSL to establish a doctor-patient relationship?
You should treat it how you would treat any other referral- if you don’t feel comfortable taking the caller on as a patient you should deny. If you are unsure about your comfort level, then we recommend that you take the safer route and deny. If you feel inclined to navigate any tricky situations that may arise if you take them on - then it is up to you. You may still want to involve your practice’s malpractice carrier in gaining personal clarity about this scenario.
What is my responsibility if a caller might be an impaired physician who could be dangerous to patients?
If you suspect that a caller might be impaired during the call, going to work impaired, or generally using significant amounts of substances, please let the admin know after the call by texting Mona at (919) 280-5856. She will take the scenario to our legal team to discuss PSL’s responsibilities. We will be handling this on a case by case basis.
What if the caller is asking my opinion about medication?
Remind them that this is a support line. We are not advising people on medication regimens. They should be directed to follow up with their psychiatrist or primary care physician.
What happens if a call gets dropped?
Contact Mona (919) 280-5856 by text and she will give you the number to call back.
I am the backup on the shift. What do I do?
You wait for the primary volunteers or the admin to contact you and let you know you need to log on. If you do not hear from anyone, you can assume that you are not on call.