So you’re a new volunteer? Welcome!
We are so excited that you have joined us on our journey. Please explore the website and read our mission statement. None of this would be possible if it weren’t for people like you who dedicate your valuable time and energy to helping our colleagues. See below for a brief outline of what we have to offer you in the way of support.
Volunteer Portal as the main hub of information for volunteers: The Volunteer Portal has all the up-to-date information and documents you will need as you become a member of our community. Please see below for details about what you can find
Policies and Procedures: We worked closely with our legal team to draft this document. All our volunteers should review and sign it through the website before their first shift.
Telzio App User Instruction: Telzio is the app volunteers use to receive calls during their shifts. Once you have downloaded the app, you can access these user instructions at any time to log in. The instructions also contain contact information for Mona, Smita, and Allison should you have trouble during your shift. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need help!
Encounter Log: This is a form you will fill out after each call that captures brief details of the calls that our community has received. It is also available in the linked spreadsheet below. This sheet gets updated in real time through the form our volunteers complete on the website. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f7czttfGZueu-hgoV8bv9bUFysdFPBrzGOe_fo3ktv8/edit?usp=sharing
Volunteer Resources: This page contains resources that volunteers can use to help with their own continued training as well as resources to give out to the our callers.
Volunteer FAQ: This is a document that addresses logistical questions that have arisen as PSL has grown. If you think a topic needs to be added, please contact Allison Cotton at drallisoncotton@physiciansupportline.com, and she will be able to update the page.
Recorded Lectures: Each Saturday, we invite guests from across the nation to speak to us on topics relevant to PSL work. These lectures are recorded via Zoom and posted on the Volunteer Portal in the Recorded Lectures section. See below for information on accessing the live lectures.
Our Facebook Group: In order to foster a sense of community and provide a forum for discussion for our members, please follow our Facebook page and join our volunteers-only Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/physiciansupportline/
Our Twitter: Please follow our Twitter feed if you utilize that platform. @PhysicianLine
Weekly Volunteer Signup Form: One of the admin team members (usually Smita) sends an email each week to let volunteers know that the next week’s signup sheet is available. The signup spreadsheet is a live document, and it is important to be careful when editing. Any time you try to edit the sheet a warning will show up. This warning will help you notice that you are in fact editing. Ignore the warning if you truly intend to edit the sheet.
Weekly Saturday Lectures:
o Time: Every Saturday, 12:00 PM, Eastern Time (sometimes there is variation, but the admins will communicate with you if there is)
o Duration: 60-90 mins
o Join via Zoom: https://family-institute.zoom.us/j/98738322344?pwd=SG5lZjczWXhOUzh1VUk3ZXZ3VFE4dz09
o Join via phone: +13126266799, +13017158592
o Meeting ID: 987 3832 2344 Password: 5W*C#V
Weekly Wednesday Debriefings: Any PSL volunteer can attend these sessions, which tend to be very meaningful. We strongly encourage you to join these sessions when you can as admins and volunteers alike have found attending these meetings very helpful. We intentionally DO NOT record these meetings.
o Time: Every Wednesday, 8:00 PM, Eastern time.
o Duration: 60 mins
o Join via Zoom: https://family-institute.zoom.us/j/98264535579?pwd=SzEzNGRua2pQVUUyc21nVXI5aWJHQT09
o Join via phone: +13126266799, +16468769923
o Meeting ID: 982 6453 5579 Password: 1D@&av